Saturday 1 February 2014

TBR-Orphans Challenge Update - What did I read in January

I read two orphans in January!

The Last Victim by Karen Robards
A Paranormal thriller that I will review soon


Left Hand Magic by Nancy A. Collins
The second book in an Urban Fantasy series that I reviewed earlier this week.

The first book had been in my tbr-pile since September, the second since January last year.

My 2014 TBR-Orphan Challenge is off to a great start this way. Let's see if I can keep this up.

How about you?
Read any books in January that were languishing on your shelves?


Blodeuedd said...

I was on my way, I meant to do so well...and then...*mumbles I got a few review books cough*

But I did DNF 2 oldies so that counts for me

Aurian said...

I did all right as well Sullivan, and now I have a new autobuy author (Lisa Shearin) and a great series to discover more of.